The future of high performance computing

As 2019 draws to a close and we all start thinking about the future of edge computing in 2020, one thing is certain: edge computing will become an increasingly important strategic path that will help drive digital transformation and real business value. ... In a recent trend report, industry analyst Gartner stated that “edge computing will dominate virtually every industry and use case,” citing it as one of the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020. IDC has identified edge computing as one of them. Top 10 IT Drivers for the Next Five Years. Forrester also mentioned the benefits of edge computing as an approach to digital transformation.

 "Edge computing will become an increasingly important strategic pathway that will help drive digital transformation and real business value."

 Looking at where we have been and where we are going as an industry, I believe that digital transformation will accelerate, increasing efficiency and effectiveness in organizations. Digital transformation and edge computing initiatives will increasingly spill over into corporate divisions and core business processes, and not just part of IT functions.

 Companies are turning to edge computing in many areas of their business, from customer service, human resources, and product development. How we collect, analyze and use data within these functional applications to improve business processes and decision making will be key to future growth and business automation.

 But industry leaders don't just “think” about edge computing or just plan for implementation, they actually determine what processes can be improved and automated. This forces them to chart tangible business benefits. Thus, creating value from the edge to the data center and beyond is fast becoming an important part of the digital transformation of businesses.

 While digital transformation focuses on technology and processes, we cannot forget about people. By making data analytics more accessible to people on business teams, organizations empower their leaders, and they, in turn, improve business performance. And this is where edge computing can really impact business outcomes - especially in organizations with few employees or simply lack of experience in local data management.

 When I consider the future of edge computing, I see a stronger push towards digital transformation using edge computing as a channel in 2020. Companies are already using edge computing solutions to automate and provide safe and reliable management of oil and gas endpoints, bioreactors and other water and sanitation processes and even building management systems. In general, companies will strive to accelerate the adoption of edge computing across all industries, especially large and medium-sized enterprises. These pioneers demonstrate leadership at the forefront and show other companies that now is the time to move to frontier computing or risk falling behind.